I do not know at this point in time whether Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain is innocent or guilty of charges of sexual misconduct now being leveled against him from four women, incidents which allegedly took place a decade ago. I do not think I should necessarily believe he is innocent simply because he says he is. I know he could be lying. I vividly remember someone else who said, "I did not have sex with that woman." But he did.
But I also am not ready to believe these allegations are true simply because four women come forward a decade after the fact, when Cain is a major threat to those who are now in power, with their stories. One of the women has a very troubled past with several lawsuits and two declarations of bankruptcy on her record. Although she claims she is not interested in financial reward, she certainly has already found it in her appearances on several talk shows and the possibility of selling her story, a possibility which exists even though she denies that is her desire. But how does a person who needs money refuse offers that will certainly come to her now that she is in an international spotlight?
There are two possible scenarios here, in my judgment. One scenario features Mr. Cain taking advantage of women under his authority for his own lustful pleasure. If this is what happened, if these women are telling the truth, then Mr. Cain needs to own up to his past and deal with it. He is not qualified to be president if he cannot remain faithful to his wife and show proper respect to women who might serve under his authority in the White House.
The other possible scenario is even more sinister. It involves those who strongly oppose Mr. Cain’s conservatism finding women who formerly were his employees and possibly disgruntled over some issue agreeing to stretch the truth to the breaking point in order to bring Mr. Cain down. They do not have to receive payment directly from those who set up this sham; the notoriety they obtain from bringing charges will ensure their financial futures. If this is what is happening, then Mr. Cain will be the innocent victim of a heinous political plot.
At this point in time I do not know which is the true scenario. I have to admit I wonder why these women did not bring accusations against Mr. Cain years ago, why they waited until now. That troubles me. But I also know that many men in a position of authority are willing and able to take advantage of women employees; it happens frequently in our sex-saturated society.
I know that there were paid accusers at the trial of Jesus who were rewarded for bringing false charges against Jesus. They were believed even though their statements were false. But Mr. Cain is not Jesus and the women who accuse him are not necessarily paid liars.
If Mr. Cain is guilty, then I hope he confesses to his crimes and faces whatever justice is meted out to him. That is only fair. That is only right. That is what must happen for justice to be done.
However, if Mr. Cain is innocent, then I hope this plot against him is quickly and thoroughly exposed for what it is and that those who falsely accuse him are publicly shamed. It is a shame when men take advantage of women employees under their authority; it is an even bigger shame when an innocent man is falsely accused for whatever reasons and his reputation ruined for the personal political and or financial gain of others.
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