Cemeteries can be sad places, and one of the reasons I sometimes find them sad is that so many good stories are buried beneath the green grass and white stones that dot the landscape. People are born, they live, they die and their stories die with them.
I would like to help change that. I am convinced there is real value in people writing down their own stories and preserving them for future generations, especially for their grandchildren and great grand children.
As one gets older, he or she begins to think more about the people who preceded, the ancestors, the grandparents, the great grandparents, the aunts and uncles. What were they like? Where did they live? What particular experiences did they have? What were their lives like? How great it would be if we had documents written by these predecessors to reveal to us the answers to these questions.
At my website, I am encouraging people to write their stories to leave for future generations of readers to know them. I am even offering to help people write their stories. It really is not that hard, but it is extremely rewarding.
If you are interested in knowing more, visit my site (link in the left column) to read how to "Write Your Story."
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