I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

A Message From the Family of Tom Parsons

“The tree of life awaits in the garden God planted for His children. It has been there through all the years sin has scarred this earth and its inhabitants. Today I am sitting down beneath that tree and talking face-to-face with the One Who came to this earth to die for my sins. He is explaining what I need to know, and helping me forget what I do not. He is wiping all my tears away. He is welcoming me to His place. And I will never be Windsor’s child, or earth’s child again. Not ever. I am forever Heaven’s child.
Will you be?”

-Thomas M. Parsons “Windsor’s Child”

These are the words of my father, who wrote these in the future tense. He would approve of my slight adjustment considering his present state.

It has taken me six months to “hijack” Dad’s websites to let his visitors know that he is with Jesus now. Dad went quietly to his forever home early one morning as he slept, just hours after he had faithfully worked on this website and his other projects, just hours after interacting with friends and family and just days after seeing a doctor who proclaimed him healthy.

Dad would want you to know that death sometimes comes like the thief in the night. You can’t always plan for it, even if you are proclaimed healthy. Dad was ready for death. He knew death had no chance against the resurrection power of Jesus, whom he knew as his Savior to defeat the power of sin in Dad’s life. We miss him, we think about him every day, and we would give anything for one more conversation with him. But we don’t have to wonder where he is. We don’t have to mourn as those who have no hope.

I hope that Dad’s death will cause you to think about your own. Someday it will come, and it could even be today. Be ready like Dad was ready. Don’t let the power of death cause any more than a temporary absence.

The verse that led Dad to Christ was John 3:16, written in his yearbook by a friend who knew the Lord. For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting life. Believe him and be saved today.

Dad’s books are still available on Amazon.com, and as for the other authors he represented, if you email us we can put you in touch with the authors. For any inquiries or other questions, you can contact us through his email or by leaving a comment.

“I may die … but that is okay, because one thing is certain. My last day on earth will be my first day in Heaven.”